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Access the API

To start using Scorechain's Free Sanctions Screening API, use as host URL.

GET /v1/addresses/{address}

Returns for the address given in path if the address has been listed in an official sanction list and if yes information relative to the sanction


To access this endpoint, you must obtain an API key:

  1. Visit this link and fill out the form to request an API key.
  2. Once you have the API key, include it in the request header using the key "x-api-key".

Path Parameters

  • address (string, required): The cryptocurrency address to check for sanctions. This could be an Ethereum, Bitcoin, or other blockchain address. Ensure the address is a valid format for the respective blockchain.

Response Parameters

isSanctionedbooleanNoBoolean field indicating if the address provided has been sanctioned.
namestringYesThe name of the sanctioned organization or individual.
sanctionDatenumberYesTimestamp representing the date of the sanction.
prettySanctionDatestringYesHuman-readable date representing the date of the sanction.
blockchainstringYesThe blockchain protocol on which the sanction has been applied.

Response Example


isSanctioned: true,
details: {
name: "Iranvisacart - Khorashadizadeh Ali - Mastercartaria (OFAC)",
sanctionDate: 1587562485,
prettySanctionDate: "2020-04-22T13:34:45.000Z",
blockchain: "Bitcoin"