Get the risk assessment of a crypto address (score, severity, entity name and entity type)
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
hash | string | Yes | The transaction hash (needs to match the endpoint's blockchain) |
Request Example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "sc_getTransactionAnalysis",
"params": { "hash": "0x6af2077627203fa96939c7866e59835b3c0ff97ec73da95d2c8cc37291335650" },
"id": 1
Response Parameters
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
score | int | No | The score between 1 (critical risk) to 100 (no risk) |
severity | string | No | The risk severity, can be: CRITICAL_RISK, HIGH_RISK, MEDIUM_RISK, LOW_RISK |
Response Example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"score": 1,
"severity": "CRITICAL_RISK"
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32602,
"message": "Invalid transaction hash"
"id": 1